Reiki & Energy Medicine

What can Energy Medicine Therapies do for you?:

  • Relieves stress, anxiety & tension
  • Increases resistance to & recovery from common ailments (stronger immune system)
  • Reduces pain brought on by acute or chronic health conditions
  • Improves memory
  • Enhances emotional and mental equilibrium
  • Promotes vitality and harmony between the physical and energetic body systems (chakras, meridians) leads to wellbeing and equilibrium in your daily functioning
  • Speed recovery time from surgery & injuries
  • Side effects of medication may be minimized or completely relieved
  • Can compliment cancer treatment or other medical treatments
The Energy modalities I practice work in conjunction with all medical, science-based or therapeutic techniques.  They are used world wide and in many settings such as self care, hospice, private practice, and hospitals.


This process supplies opportunity for optimal health and well being and also encourages the body’s natural healing abilities. 

Reiki is a Japanese form of stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.  It is based on the idea that an unseen “life flow energy” flows through and around us and is what causes us to be alive.  In a time of stress one may close down one or more of the energy centers to numb emotional or physical pain.  This can cause the energy flow to become low or blocks to form. If energy is low or has restriction, you are more vulnerable to illness.  If energy vibration is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.  Reiki is a safe and non-invasive therapy that entails light touch or no touch if preferred. A REIKI practitioner has been trained and empowered through attunements to access healing REIKI vibrations.  Though REIKI has its own awareness and flows where needed, a practitioner will spend more time where energy discrepancies appear working to remove blocks and balance the energy flow. 

W.I.S.E Method

Is a methodology of Energy Therapy formulated by Dorothy Martin- Neville, LLC and taught at the Institute of Healing Arts and Sciences.  This method of working with the energy field and chakras (energy centers) incorporates particular healing techniques for specific health ailments.  These techniques restore health and well being on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. This method offers principles of healing to look into psycho spiritual causation of disease and how the personality affects ones health.

The W.I.S.E Method involves the A,B,C’s of healing:

  • Assess- Experience with how to sense and work with the human energy field enables the practitioner to assess the energy within and around the physical body to identify presenting complaint
  • Balance-use an energy balancing technique to remove blocks, balance excesses and deficiencies, and dissipate stagnant energy patterns within the body
  • Change-support the client in examining and changing the belief systems that created energetic blocks

If we change our beliefs, we can change our health.
I will support you in making subtle life changes to prevent reoccurring pain and sickness.


Training -5 years at Hartford Family Institute

This Subtle Body Centered Therapy enables me to recognize and work with emotional patterns that arise.  I will invite you to energetically explore why you feel and act as you do.  You will develop a new awareness that will help you understand and have compassion for how you came to be the way you are.  I will support you as you clear out old beliefs from personality which will bring repressed or suppressed parts of you back to life. 



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